When Things Don't Go As Planned - Trinity's Birth Story!
SHE'S HERE!!!!! Everyone knows that giving birth is basically a wildcard. Your baby could plop out of you while you're walking through the hospital doors, or it could take 60 hours and a C-Section before you get to hold your little bundle. You could have a smooth, uneventful birth, or one fraught with complications and worry. Your little one could show up three weeks early, or you could go two weeks past your due date. One thing that everyone can count on, though, is that things will not go how you thought they would go. We knew this going in, so we tried to keep a completely open mind. We were against having interventions done unnecessarily, but we were open to the fact that sometimes these kinds of things (C-sections, episiotomies, etc.) ARE highly necessary. We wanted a "natural" (unmedicated) childbirth experience, but we were aware that sometimes, hours and hours into labor, an epidural could be the difference between relaxing enough for a vaginal birth, o...