Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife

(Me and my adorable little cousin Jake--who is a little bigger now!!)

I realized something after I made my first post yesterday.  There are some people in particular that I'd like to address with this entry.  This is for you, all you new moms and dads out there.

I see you.  And you see me.  That's right.  There I am, sitting at the family gathering or block party or whatever, giving you and your adorable little one(s) some major side eye.  You never noticed it before, but now that we've "outed" ourselves and you know the full scoop, that side eye is making you a little nervous.  And you've started to wonder what's going to happen next... will I burst into tears if you announce that you're off to change a dirty diaper?  Will one more story about spit up or teething put me over the edge and make me start screaming and stabbing everyone within reach?  Or does that weird awkward shady side eye mean that I am seconds away from grabbing your baby and making a run for it?

No, maybe, and no.  Just kidding.  The answer is no to all of the above.  Now that Phil and I have decided to share our situation with our friends and family, we wanted to get in front of ourselves and to say, to all of the new parents and expectant parents that we know, please, please, please--do not EVER hesitate to share your joy with us.  We love you.  Really.  I am trying so hard, and I can't think of a single new mom or dad that I know that I don't really really love.  Just because we are having a hard time growing our family doesn't mean that we are not thrilled and excited that you are able to grow yours.  We want to hear every tiny detail about what it's like.  We want your advice and your input and your crazy old wives tale home remedies!  We want to hold your little ones and play with them and watch them learn and grow and I promise I won't steal anyone's baby (without permission...ok fine, at all).  

What we're feeling these days is kind of like the feeling you get when you're waiting for Christmas, and all around you other kids are talking about the awesome presents they're going to get, or maybe showing you the early presents they've already gotten.  And everyone's eyes are full of sparkles, and you are just dazzled by the coolness and amazingness of your friends' Christmas presents.  But what really gets your heart racing is the thought of that particular present that you asked for, and how much you can't wait to get it.  You're happy for your friends and you're glad that the presents they got made them so incredibly happy (and yeah, you want to play with their presents too), but you are looking forward to your present with great, great anticipation.

So there it is, folks.  Please continue to share your joy with us openly, and please know that we welcome all of the advise or suggestions that you care to give.  And rest assured that you can trust me to hold your precious Christmas present without worrying that I won't return it....  but I'm not sure if I can say the same about Phil.  That man's got "baby thief" written all over him.  XD




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